Tesla calls back 321000 vehicles due to back light problem in the (US) United States because of the rare lights issue which is causing intermittently fail to light, the giant automaker company Tesla said in a statement released on Saturday to the (NHTSA) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the electric car maker said the recall related to the back/rare lights affects certainly found in the 2023 Model 3 and 2020-2023 Model Y cars.
Tesla Motors, formerly founded in early 2003 is a American manufacturer company of electric motorcars, solar panels, and batteries for cars and home power storehouse. It was innovated in 2003 by American entrepreneurs Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning and was named after Serbian American innovator Nikola Tesla.
At the moment, the company has not received any reports of failures in these models, however, he entered some complaints about the light does not illuminate, therefore, updating is necessary to avoid any implicit collisions.
Texas Based giant automaker company (Tesla) has informed that they will be trying to fix the reported issue in the back / rare light through a wireless software update which will be released online, and the giant automaker (Tesla) also said that so far there has been no reported issues of any sort of injuries or crashes due to the back / rare light issue.
The giant automaker company (Tesla) has said the have called back all 321,000 cars which were which were followed complaints from customers it feared were in late October, mainly due to overseas inquiries claiming the cars’ taillights were not illuminating.
The giant automaker company (Tesla) also said that they will inform the Vehicle owners through emails and letters regarding the update on their vehicles issues resolution which is expected to be starting from January 14, 2023. Vehicles in the product have previously been updated.
This isn’t for the first time that the giant auto manufacturing company( Tesla) has recalled its cars / vehicles back due to problems reported by guests, preliminarily also Tesla has recalled its cars / vehicles due to manufacturing blights similar as power steering and airbags security not suitable for proper client affectation.
In rare cases, the installed lighting may intermittently not work due to an anomaly that may lead to false fault detection during the vehicle wake-up process. Tesla said it filed three bond reports for the issue. Tesla reported US 19. According to NHTSA data, more than 3.7 million vehicles were recalled in 2022, including four recalls in November.